I read via Thomas’ blog that Segolene Royal, the leftist candidate to the french presidential election in April, plans to tax French citizens living abroad.
Retrouver une citoyenneté fiscale
Il n’est plus acceptable que des citoyens français parviennent à échapper à l’impôt en s’installant hors de France. Nous proposons de définir une contribution citoyenne qui sera payée en fonction de ses capacités contributives par tout Français établi à l’étranger et ne payant pas d’impôt en France. C’est une voie analogue qu’ont notamment empruntée la Suisse et les Etats-Unis.
For those of you who don’t read French, it means that even though I live in Japan, pay Japanese taxes and have nothing that ties me to France except my passport and a weekly phonecall to my parents, I’d be considered as an evil capitatlist trying to escape from my citizen’s duties and would have to pay taxes as a solidarity gesture to my fellow compatriots.
Now I’m really pissed off that through their incompetence, the French consulate in Tokyo marked me as “votes in Paris” even though I replied to all their mails that I wanted to vote in Tokyo. Now I won’t be able to make my voice heard against this infamy…
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