jQuery is reconciling me with …

jQuery is reconciling me with JavaScript, after using it in some personal projects at work, I am applying some of what I learned to my blog


2 responses to “jQuery is reconciling me with …”

  1. Heh. Funny, I came to the exact same conclusion a couple months ago when I started using it for some pet project (something to do with learning Japanese that will revolutionise the way you think about kanji)…

    After much pondering, though, I have come to the conclusion that Javascript was *actually* a good language all along (for its purpose), just dragged down by myriads crappy incompatible implementations. All it takes is a powerful API to work as an abstraction layer, and it starts becoming quite enjoyable to use…

  2. yep, when you think about it, it has been there *forever* but no-one managed to do anything with it until libraries such as jQuery and prototype.js came out

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