Running my local dev environment with SSL & domain names

So I’m building this app with a NextJS frontend and a Django backend and this is bringing tons of headaches with cross-origin resource sharing (CORS for the uninitiated… and you should feel lucky if you don’t know about it) and all kind of cookie troubles.

In order to debug this, I need to have the same setup on my dev environment as in production, just using localhost and different ports is not good enough. So I set out to get some local domain names and SSL, which is actually fairly standard, but hit a few snags on the way in that many guides out there are outdated with Apple Silicon Macs and MacOS Sequoia.

So here’s what I found that works.

The plan

I will setup 3 things:

  1. A .test top level domain that will resolve anything, such as app.test and to
  2. A way to have valid SSL certificates for any of these domains
  3. A web server that can route requests to these domains to your dev servers running with things like bun run dev or python runserver

All of this on a recent Mac with Apple Silicon and the latest MacOS Sequoia.

I will assume you have homebrew running already, if not you need to rethink your life.

1. Local DNS with dnsmasq

dnsmasq is a lightweight DNS forwarder and DHCP server that provides simple network services for small networks. It can cache DNS queries to speed up subsequent requests and allows you to create custom DNS records for local domains.

brew install dnsmasq

    First we’ll declare a new .test tld and tell MacOS to resolve it with our local DNS server which we will setup with dnsmasq instead of calling the live DNS servers on internet. We do this by setting up a single file /etc/resolver/test


    Just change the name of the file if you want something else than .test

    Now setup dnsmasq by adding a conf file at /opt/homebrew/etc/dnsmasq.d/test.conf


    This tells it to resolve any domain *.test to localhost. That’s where a lot of existing guides fail because they tell you to add the conf in /usr/local/etc/ and that’s for Intel Macs.

    Start the service now:

    brew services start dnsmasq

    Verify your stuff is working by pinging foo.test

    2. SSL setup with mkcert

    mkcert is a simple tool for creating locally trusted SSL certificates without the hassle of configuring a Certificate Authority. It’s perfect for developers who need HTTPS for local projects, making it easy to set up secure connections during development.

    brew install mkcert

    Then we will install the root certificate and generate a certificate for our project.

    mkcert -install
    mkcert "app.test" "*.app.test"

    Move the files to somewhere safe. I just put them in /Users/francois/certs/. That’s it.

    3. Reverse Proxy with Caddy

    Caddy is a modern, user-friendly web server that automatically manages HTTPS by acquiring and renewing SSL certificates. Known for its simplicity and ease of configuration, it’s ideal for developers who want a secure, performant, and versatile server without complex setups.

    brew install caddy

    The configuration file for Caddy is in /opt/homebrew/etc/Caddyfile

    app.test {
      tls /Users/francois/certs/app.test.pem /Users/francois/certs/app.test-key.pem
      reverse_proxy localhost:5100
    } {
      tls /Users/francois/certs/app.test.pem /Users/francois/certs/app.test-key.pem
      reverse_proxy localhost:8000

    Just map your domains to whatever local ports your dev servers are running on. Now run Caddy as a service:

    brew services start caddy


    That’s it! You should be all set now.

    As a tip, I like to use honcho to run my dev servers. You just set a Procfile with your service and run honcho start and you have everything running with logging in your console with different colors for each service.

    backend: cd backend && python runserver
    frontend: cd frontend && bun dev
    stripe: stripe listen --forward-to localhost:8000/webhooks/stripe/


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