4 days in Hiroshima

So I’m back from Hiroshima as you must have seen in the little Twitter column on the right. Had good fun with the girlfriend, here’s a quick roundup:

Friday – arrived at 4PM, saw Spiderman 3 (was kinda lame), ate Italian
Saturday – went to Iwakuni to see the 錦帯橋, nice bridge, ate yakitori and drank 日本酒 in an izakaya near 本通

kintaikyou in iwakuni

Sunday – picnic by the riverside with homemade bento from Aiko’s mother, dinner with family for Mother’s Day, ate stuffed duck neck (French food I received last week)
Monday – walked around 平和公園 and Namiki-dori all afternoon, my flight was late so I missed the last train home and had to sleep in Tokyo


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