iPhone battery upgrade

For iPhone owners who are non-plussed by the iPhone 3GS and are not ready to fork out an arm and an eye for the upgrade (and who would blame you?), there is still a solution to get your old phone almost up to par with the new version:

iphone battery upgrade

Amazon.co.jp has on shelf a battery upgrade kit which will enable you – if you are ok with thrusting an exacto knife into your iPhone’s entrails in cold blood – to change your battery with a new 1600mAh one (compared with 1150mAh for the original).

Meanwhile, I am still iPhone-free and will happily stroll to the Softbank shop on June 26th – or maybe a week later since I will probably be too busy packing my apartment move to wait in line for a phone – and get myself a 16GB 3GS for ¥11.520 (^o^)v


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