my head

Hi 👋, I’m François

I’m a French engineer who moved to Japan after my studies and will soon hit half of my life spent in Tokyo.

  • Business trip to the US

    Tomorrow I’m leaving for the US we’re I’ll conduct some training sessions and will discuss implementation of new systems with people from the North American division of my company. Here’s the flight plan: One weekend in NYC to see a friend 2.5 days in Dallas 2.5 days in Detroit 15470 miles 32 hours 35 minutes…

  • Sometimes I cook

    And sometimes it ends up being pretty freakin’ good… Gotta satisfy my french food craves.

  • Worst dream ever

    I had the worst dream ever yesterday night. To put it back in context, the rainy season just started here and it’s becoming unbearably hot and humid, 蒸し暑い as they say it here, but I hadn’t turn on my aircon in hope of pushing back the inevitable surge in my electricity spendings. So the dream…

  • Surfing in Shonan

    I’ve got a new hobby. One of my friends with whom I went snowboarding in Hokkaido this winter lives in 湘南 in a cool house 300m from the beach, right in front of 江ノ島. Since the last month I go surfing there almost every weekend. I can check the weather / wave size on Yahoo!…

  • Additional flash

    You never see a photo taken with the flash on in my flickr photostream. That’s because I hate flashes, and my GR Digital‘s flash in particular: it burns everything. So yesterday, as I was on a day-off and had nothing else to do than watching season 2 of House M.D. and browsing flickr, I got…

  • Web2.0 interview

    Last week I received a flickr mail from a woman of Nokia Japan who wanted to have me come over to their headquarters to talk about my usage of flickr, my keitai and other web2.0 apps. I wanted to take a day-off from work anyway so I said “why not” and accepted the invitation. Friday…

  • Sumo beer cup

    I went to see Sumo 2 weeks ago for the second time since I’m in Japan. This time around, I was sitting in the boxes on 1st floor (really just a tatami with 4 thin cushions) instead of far out in the poor people’s late gaijins’ cheaper seats on 2nd floor. Of course, I had…

  • 4 days in Hiroshima

    So I’m back from Hiroshima as you must have seen in the little Twitter column on the right. Had good fun with the girlfriend, here’s a quick roundup: Friday – arrived at 4PM, saw Spiderman 3 (was kinda lame), ate Italian Saturday – went to Iwakuni to see the 錦帯橋, nice bridge, ate yakitori and…

  • Back to Hiroshima

    I’m leaving in 20 minutes for Hiroshima to see my girlfriend. I’ll be there until Monday night and will get back to work on Tuesday morning. With the nice weather, I’m hoping we’ll get to make a nice picnic next to one of the many rivers in Hiroshima. I’ll try not to catch the flu…

  • Playing with Twitter

    I’ve started using Twitter today and implemented it on my blog’s sidebar with the cool Twitter Tools plugin. You can see my latest entries to the right, under the search on the main page of the blog. I’ll use that to post all the one-liner updates that I never bother to post here for fear…

  • Yasukuni Black Suits

    Last week was Golden Week, a bundle of national holidays all packed in the same week: Constitution day, Green day, Children’s day and the new Showa day. This last one is in honor of the previous emperor’s birthday and is a big hit among Japan’s extremist population, which I like to call the Black Suits.…

  • Not to be mistaken

    Vocabulary lesson in a bar of Shibuya yesterday: 合コン and 強姦 The first one is pronounced goukon and is a kind of group blind-date dinner very popular with the young japanese. The second one is pronounced goukan and means rape…

  • Japanese Jesus pamphlet

    Yesterday, my japanese teacher was handed a pamphlet in the train station. Normally she would have thrown it away, but knowing me and how I love such kind of stupid things, she kept it for me. Click on the extract for the full thing. It’s a Love Jesus Christ pamphlet, first time I see one…

  • Recruiting

    Today I had my first interview from the recruiting side of the table. My contract will end in less than 6 months so we’re looking for someone to replace me in job. Right now I’m working 50% on technical administration and 50% on functional administration. My replacement would take 100% of the technical stuff and…

  • Shibuya at 4am

    A friend of mine is leaving Japan tomorrow, coming back to his girlfriend in France after 1 year here. So we had a little sayonara pub crawl for his last weekend in Tokyo. We started out in 高田馬場 and took one of the last trains to 渋谷. Hopped around 5 different bars and izakayas until…