Blacklisting words in Twitter Tools

There’s a new game trending on Twitter these days, Spymaster, and it likes to write out stuff to your twitter feed. There’s a good controversy running on the web whether these tweets are spam or not. I’m playing and I’ve set it up to tweet out only level ups which is pretty minimalist.

However, I am also running the Twitter Tools plugin to copy my tweets back from twitter to my blog. But if I’m fine with exposing my twitter followers with #spymaster notifications, I’d rather not show them to my blog readers.

There is no way currently in the plugin to exclude tweets based on words, so I made a patch for it:

blacklist in the twitter tools options menu

You can download the patch for the current 1.6 version and apply it with the following command:

patch twitter-tools.php < twittertools-blacklist.patch

I hope this feature will make it in the next version of the plugin.

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