my head

Hi 👋, I’m François

I’m a French engineer who moved to Japan after my studies and will soon hit half of my life spent in Tokyo.

  • Server move

    This blog, as well as all my other personal websites, used to be hosted on servers provided by MacBidouille (which I’m co-founder of). However, sharing a server with other people and services was starting to feel a bit restrictive (I couldn’t easily move from Apache to nginx or support IPv6) so about a year ago…

  • New Feature: Deep Linking

    Yesterday I did a bit of coding and added a new feature to Sunsetter: deep linking. When you make a query to find a sunrise or sunset forecast, the address bar will update with a link you can copy and share or send to friends to show the same page you were on. For example,…

  • Predicting Manhattanhenge

    Predicting Manhattanhenge

    There has been a lot of talk lately about the Manhattanhenge, the 2 days in the year when the sun sets in the alignment of New York streets (thank you city grid design). It’s awesome to see so many pictures like this popping up on flickr and instagram because this way I also get to…

  • Sunsetter – Open Sourced

    I’ve open sourced my little Sunsetter project on Github. You can see my ugly ugly code there, though I’ll try to make it a little more professional as we go.

  • Pet Project: Sunsetter

    Pet Project: Sunsetter

    At home I have a nice view of the Fujisan to the south-west. I often take pictures of it in winter when the skies are so clear. Many times I’ve told myself it would be nice to take a picture with the sun setting right behind the mountain. I’ve searched the internet for an app…

  • Foreman and Procfile tips&tricks

    Foreman and Procfile tips&tricks

    Lately I’ve been playing around with the Heroku stack and I’d like to share little tricks that might be common knowledge but which I’ve not seen mentioned on the Heroku standard documentation. So the doc tells you you must set your Procfile as such (for a Python app): web: gunicorn app:app -b$PORT -w 3 You can…

  • SoftBank plans for new iPad

    SoftBank has just published their new deals for iPhone owners wanting to buy one of the newer iPads. The mechanics of the plan are the same as for the iPad 2 campaign last year, you get a full rebate on the 16GB model’s price, but that applies only on the data plan charge. So if…

  • Masters of the Universe

    Recently I read an article sent in by a friend of mine: What price the new democracy? Goldman Sachs conquers Europe This is The Goldman Sachs Project […] to create such a deep exchange of people and ideas and money that it is impossible to tell the difference between the public interest and the Goldman Sachs interest.…

  • Beer Fujisan
  • Is Softbank’s new iPad 2 campaign worth it?

    Updated 2011/11/09 — see bottom of the post For the iPhone 4S launch, Masayoshi Son, Softbank’s CEO, decided to go all out to keep his customers from going to aU by KDDI. Fun Fact: during his keynote on October 7th, one day after Steve Jobs passing away, Son-san declared tearfully that these campaigns were his…

  • Impact of 3/11 disaster on Tokyo real estate marketing

    Now a bit past 3 months after the March 11th disaster in Japan, we can observe some trends of changes to different aspects of life here. Here is one thing I could see on the real estate business 震災後 (post-disaster): there is a big focus on designing buildings that not only will withstand earthquakes, but…

  • 怪しいけど行きたい @…

    怪しいけど行きたい @ ルパン

  • gotta go check out the GXR som…

    gotta go check out the GXR sometime @ RICOH RING CUBE

  • warming up in front of the fir…

    warming up in front of the fire @ 軽井沢のchalet

  • gaijin wearing nazi uniform ne…

    gaijin wearing nazi uniform next to me on hibiya-sen, i hope it’s for halloween, even then he should know better…