Activate tethering on Softbank iPhone

A friend of mine, @kuriburi, just sent me this to publish for him, so here you go:

So it was the news of the day: Someone managed to activate tethering on an AT&T iPhone 3G by means of a “carrier support file”, a.k.a. “ipcc”. Here in Japan, the story was a bit more tricky : Softbank declared that they would not support tethering on their network and had no plans to do so in the future either.


Nice! So, with those brand new Macbook Pro without any pc express card slot, how are we supposed to use Softbank’s data cards? This bothered me to no end thus I went on a search for a Softbank carrier support file that I could modify somehow. I stumbled onto this very interesting post on a Japanese blog that talked about the same thing, but with a beta version of the iPhone OS 3.0.

OK, well, doesn’t hurt to try with the official release, right?

Now I need to get my hands on that damn file. Turns out, it was right on my hard drive at work since August 2008. So I went to work and modified the file (which incidentally is just a bundle in a zip archive with a special extension) and tried to update my iPhone with it. The steps are simple :

  1. in the Terminal, execute defaults write carrier-testing -bool TRUE
    on windows, execute C:\Program Files\iTunes\iTunes.exe /setPrefInt carrier-testing 1 in a DOS window
  2. plug your iPhone to your computer via the USB cable
  3. in iTunes, display the summary page of your iPhone
  4. while pressing the “alt” (option) key, click on the “check for update” button
  5. you will be presented with a finder window. Locate the Softbank_jp.ipcc file, select it
  6. iTunes will now update your iPhone with the modified carrier settings
  7. Once finished, unplug the iPhone, go see into Settings>General>Network, and voilà! screenshot

Oh, before I forget, if Apple or Softbank issues an update through iTunes, wait a bit before updating… you never know…

Update: I updated the link with the latest file from @kuriburi that activates both tethering and MMS. よろしく!

Update: This IPCC file does not work with 3.1 update. If you value your tethering, do not upgrade yet.


377 responses to “Activate tethering on Softbank iPhone”

  1. Thanks @w00kie for hosting explanations about iPhone tethering with Softbank on his blog!

  2. Attention all ! please make sure that you rename the file to “Softbank_jp.ipcc”.
    Safari apparently adds a “.zip” at the end of the filename when you download it. You might need to use the command-i panel to correct the filename.

  3. I tried the update using this method but unfortunately the Softbank_jp.ipcc file is grayed out and I am unable to select it.

  4. Even when I rename the extension, the file behaves like a folder when I view it in the iTunes browser window. I can see the contents of the package but am unable to click open as the button is grayed out.

  5. @Elias : download the file again, this time without Safari. Try Firefox or curl. Do NOT double-click on the file.

  6. I used Firefox to download the file this time and it worked like a charm.

    Thank you for the tip!

  7. Thanks a lot to you and @kuriburi! It works great :D Now I just wonder if it still works with the white plan or do you think that they can detect this and charge a special fee for that ? o_O

  8. Works great! Thanks for sharing.

    Does Softbank have any way of detecting tether usage?

  9. iPhone OS3.0でSoftbankのティザリング、Windowsでもできたよー。 (via @katsu8)

  10. これすごい。RT @katsu8 iPhone OS3.0でSoftbankのティザリング、Windowsでもできたよー。

  11. Sakabara Avatar

    Thanks for the tip and the modified file. Works like a charm (I did not figure out how to use the bluetooth transmission, though. It’s paired, but I don’t seem to be able to surf with bluetooth). Works fine with USB

  12. Morning wOOkie & kuriburi, I had the same idea yesterday when I installed the 3.0 software on my iPhone 3G – there’s gotta be a way to tether this sucker! And voila! I Googled and found your page – and as a fellow gajin here in Japan, I immediately followed your how-tos and am now tethered! Arigato! Now I’m ready to connect, even without WiFi, anywhere I go throughout Japan! Cool!

  13. Glad it works for you guys too.
    I’m pretty sure (like, 101% sure) that Softbank can monitor traffic on their own network, SO GO EASY ! I’d say you’ll be pretty safe if all you use this function for is email, but if you start doing bittorrent on it, I can almost guarantee retaliation from Softbank’s お父さん…

    We wouldn’t want Softbank to completely disable that stuff via an Over The Air update…

  14. Glad to see my post on @w00kie ‘s blog has helped a few people enable tethering on their softbank iPhone 3G !

  15. Yea, I completely agree. When I’m at home, it’s fiber optic, when I’m out and about, it’s the closest open WiFi hotspot…and in those rare cases where there’s no connection available, then it’s “the tether.” I’m planning to use it really sparingly, like for mail and checking Web pages for my English students. No use spoiling this golden opportunity for everyone by using it full-tilt, non-stop all day! I don’t want 父さん down my back either! (^o~)

  16. Sorry to sound ignorant, but where/ how can I get the ipcc file?

  17. Hey Sakabara, if you have a Mac, go to System Preference > Bluetooth and in the left column, find your iPhone and click on it. Then, down at the bottom of the window, there’s a button with a cog wheel and an arrow. Clicking on that brings up a popup menu and the top choice is Connect to Network. Click that and you’re connected!

  18. Tony, the link is in the post

  19. Right here on this page, Tony. Look at step #5:

    5. you will be presented with a finder window. Locate the Softbank_jp.ipcc file, select it

    Click on the words “Softbank_jp.ipcc” and the file will download. Go to the Finder and make sure the file name is exactly the same as above. If there’s a “.zip” at the end, erase it and then you’re good to go!

  20. @stuartcw : @kuriburi has posted instructions on how to get softbank iphones tethered:

  21. It works but you lose MMS because these settings are not in the older Softbank_jp.ipcc. No MMS is not really a biggy in Japan.

    VPN will prevent Softbank from detecting tethering but obviously if tethering becomes widespread and they notice a big jump in traffic I suspect they will change settings.

  22. OK duh. Wasn’t sufficiently caffeinated. Works like a charm. Thanks so much for posting this! At least I have the option of responding to emails on my laptop when I’m on the road

  23. Hi folks, can someone help me out. How can I do this on PC? I don’t have a MAC. Can someone kindly post the steps on how to do this on An iPhone connected to PC if possible?

  24. kurisu Avatar

    @Kyle : damn, I didn’t even realise that ! uhm if someone knows the settings of the apn for mms I can update the file with those settings so we can reactivate it.

    @Den : For Windows, replace step 1 by typing this in a dos box with iTunes closed :
    C:\Program Files\iTunes\iTunes.exe /setPrefInt carrier-testing 1
    then proceed as described above.

  25. Howdy!

    I’m trying to do step 4 and 5 on a PC….but it doesn’t give me a finder window….it just says that we’re up to date with 3.0.

  26. Kurt H Avatar

    Ok, and MMS is WORKING. Not sure what happened for those of you for whom it is not working – I did this on a Mac (actually a Dell Mini hackintosh). I downloaded the file in Step 5 and all I did was press option+check for update and copy the file across. Tried it on a coworker’s iPhone and it’s working fine there as well. It took barely a minute. (It’s funny. His is configured with Japanese language interface and the Tether stuff is translated into Japanese even though Softbank customers are not ever supposed to see it…)

  27. There are no MMS setting in the carrier.plist which is why MMS doesn’t show up.

    Not sure how MMS is working without these settings.

  28. kurisu Avatar

    @tre : on Windows, you have to use the SHIFT key when clicking on “check for update”

    @Kurt : That’s odd, we all use the same file… Are you sure that in Settings>Messages you still have the toggles for MMS ?? Me and Kyle sure don’t…

  29. Kurt H Avatar

    @Kurisu –
    Yup, it’s all still there. I didn’t try sending a picture or anything but it’s working for sending messages to/from a regular Internet mail address.

    One thing I DID do which maybe you didn’t, however, is download the file with Safari. It unzipped everything into a folder called “Payload”. I thought “argh” but I just zipped it back up (ctrl-click and chose ‘compress’) and renamed the result to Softbank_TETHER.ipcc (and removed the .zip extension). Then I used iTunes 8.2 to import this file.

    Maybe that made a difference.

  30. Kurt H Avatar

    Also – where are you located? It’s possible you have different MMS configuration depending on your location in the country. I’m in Tokyo.

  31. kurisu Avatar

    @Kurt, tks, I’ll try again, but I don’t think that would make a difference since I’m the one who made the archive from the “payload” folder.
    Location-wise, I think we’re all in Tokyo (or at least Japan), hence the special file for Softbank ;-)

  32. I’m on the train now and cant wait to be home so I could retry this process. I’m in saitama. Will post the results later.

  33. Sakabara Avatar

    Hi DonDocFranck,
    Thanks for the tip. Actually, after posting, I remembered the way to activate bluetooth (not been using it so far for net access…), and I found out the way to access. I noticed that, at least for me, bluetooth access is zippier than USB.
    Also, on a different note: went to お父さん’s place in Omote Sando today. I got confirmation that お父さん will be aware of our deeds… The contract for the new 3Gs (actually, the same applies for 3G too) specifically mentions that any tethering-like activity might be charged separately and is not covered by the usual data plan… Careful about using it then, ’cause you/we might end up with a huge bill…
    I got confirmation that お父さん won’t ever authorize tethering in Japan. Told him that he should watch his back if ever N** D*C*M* gets a share of the iPhone Pie sometimes…
    Cheers to all…

  34. I’ve been using pdanet since 2.2. I even downloaded movies and songs bigtime using utorrent/limewire last month. Checked with softbank and so far no additional cost on my monthly bill. I’m always at 6000 to 8000 yen monthly. Better to be careful next time.

  35. Kurt H Avatar

    Well this is interesting. It stopped working. I toggles the MMS off an on one time and MMS is gone now. It was working immediately after making the change and for a few hours after as well. I even was able to use tethering and send an email MMS at the same time. I will try again tonight.

  36. thanks kurisu! works like a charm!!!

  37. Awesome, I’m on Windows XP and this worked for me as well – both tethering and MMS.

    Here are the steps:

    1. Close iTunes, go to Start > Run > “C:\Program Files\iTunes\iTunes.exe” /setPrefInt carrier-testing 1

    2. Download Softbank_jp.ipcc from

    3. Connect your iPhone to your PC and launch iTunes

    4. Now, display the iPhone summary in iTunes.

    5. While holding “Shift Key” (Alt key did not worked for me) click on “Check for Update”

    6. It will ask for the location of the file you downloaded. In the Files of Type drop down box, choose iPhone Carrier Configuration File and locate the file downloaded on step 2 then press Open.

    7. iTunes will update your iPhone Carrier config. Eject the iPhone and close iTunes.

    8. While the iPhone is connected to the USB cable on your PC, go to Settings>General>Network and enable USB tethering.

    I have tested speed and MMS, both seems to be working ine. That’s all Folks!

    Here are the proof:

  38. Kurt H Avatar

    OK, I tested a little more with the original ipcc and the modified ipcc. It appears that the phone remembers the important parts of the previous configurations and will support both connections, until the next reboot (or maybe sooner).

    Maybe this is a clue to getting both working at the same time.

  39. Crap :( You’re right. MMS is gone after reboot.

  40. Kurt H Avatar

    OK I got it working. This looks like it’s for real.

    I started over from the Japanese instructions so not sure if EDGE editing is enabled with @kurisu’s prebaked file but if should be.

    1. Apply the modded IPCC file like it says here.
    2. Open Settings/General/Network/Cellular Data Network
    3. You will see a few blank fields under MMS.
    Complete them as follows:
    MMSC: http://mms/ —Don’t forget the last forward slash
    MMS Proxy:
    MMS Max Message Size: Blank
    MMS UA Prof URL: Blank
    4. Power off then power on your device to verify it is working.

    I got everything working just like before – both tethering and MMS, even at the same time, and it retains after reboot!
    The only difference I can tell:
    Email input field is missing from Settings/Messaging, but the other two slider switches are there and MMS send/receive is working fine.
    Not sure if just a slow network, but also send worked fine but receive didnt work until i disconnected the tether connection.

  41. Eric Choi Avatar
    Eric Choi

    I’ve found a way too,
    Basic concept was put AT&T MMS enabler and tethering enabler all at one.

    On .ipcc file there’s carrier file
    in carrier file I added





    works totally fine now.

  42. dondocfrank Avatar

    Hey Kurt, a couple of quick questions…

    1. Where’s the modified file on this page?
    2. I looked in Settings/General/Network/ on my iPhone and found no Cellular Data Network section. Does that only appear after applying the modified ipcc file?

    Also, there seem to be both opinions expressed here about Softbank being able to track tethering usage. Of course, I’m going to be careful about using it, but…one wonders, can they really track it or not?

  43. Not sure if i’ts me or my phone but I don’t see cellular data network under Settings/General/Network. Anyone knows how can I make this option to show up?

  44. kurisu Avatar

    Ok folks, I am jailbreaking my iPhone so I can retrieve the unedited carrier.plist from the phone and cook up a final version of the Softbank_jp.ipcc enabling tethering while retaining MMS.
    I’ll report back soon.

  45. dondocfrank Avatar

    OK kurisu, よろしくね。Standing by for your final update! (^o~)

  46. I’ve retrieved the carrier.plist off of my iPhone and worked on THAT to activate tethering.
    Now we have both tethering AND MMS :D
    I’ve just sent it to w00kie, so check this page later today for a download link.

  47. Kurt H Avatar

    Cool – Did you enable AllowEDGEEditing for the file you made?

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