Category: Me, myself and I

  • New year hiatus

    Sorry for the lack of updates. I was at my girlfriend’s in Tokyo for over 2 weeks (without internet) to help her move out. She quit her job that was going nowhere and went back to her parent’s in Hiroshima. It’s going to be hard, changing from a mid-distance relationship (we saw each other only…

  • New blog headers

    I updated my blog template so that the header displays a random photo selected from my Tokyo by night set. I’m not sure yet if I like it, so I’ll leave it on for the next few days and then decide if it stays or it goes. If you have any suggestions, I’ll be glad…

  • No Wii for Christmas

    Second raffle, same time, same place. This time they had 52 units up for the taking and 254 people showed up. A friend of mine had come to help me out, giving me a second chance to get one. But of course, since I’m officially cursed, they ended up calling all the numbers around our…

  • Still no Wii

    This morning they had a raffle for 30 units at my local 7eleven Holdings’ Itoyokado (that’s a department store). I got there at 9:45, grabbed a ticket and came back at 10:30 for the results. They had distributed 74 tickets that were supposed to count only for 42 units since families were supposed to have…

  • I’m officially cursed

    That’s it, it’s official, the verdict has been given: I’m cursed. Today at lunch time we went out with a friend to an electronics shop deep deep in the countryside, 15 minutes away from the factory where we work, hoping to score a Wii so we could play some Wii Sports goodness for a week…

  • Onsen nation

    Next weekend is a 4-day weekend (well, it is if you take two days of since my company doesn’t care about official holidays). My girlfriend and I wanted to make a little trip, so we did what any japanese would do, buy a travel magazine, most of which selling you a one-night trip to an…

  • Wii Pre-orders

    I just received an email this instant from Amazon. Here’s what it says: 『Wii』 予約受付日のお知らせ! 11/17(金)より、予約を開始いたします。購入ページへのリンクは、受付予定日(時間は未定です)にゲームストア にて表示されますので、ご確認ください。 注文数が確保できる商品数を上回った場合は、注文のキャンセルをさせていただく場合があります。その際はEメールでご連絡いたします。 Which basically means that Amazon opens their pre-orders for the Wii tomorrow (no info about the exact time though). Now I’m torn between waiting in-line in the cold at BicCamera on the day of launch, Saturday December…

  • 1 year in Japan

    Today was my 1st anniversary of coming to Japan. It’s been a great year for me, I really feel like I’ve accomplished a lot of things and it makes me feel great. I met a lot of great people here, had a lot of fun and learned a lot. One regret I have is that…

  • 7 TV Shows of the moment

    For the past 2 and a half weeks I’ve been leaving work between 10PM and 11PM every night. This is why I’m not posting so often, I don’t do much outside of work, except for watching my weekly TV shows downloaded from bittorrent. So I might as well talk about my current viewing list. These…

  • Switching to English

    I’ve decided that from now on I’ll stop writing in french and switch to english. There are many reasons for that: More and more of my friends here in Japan feel left out because they can’t read my blog. That language barrier is a bitch… I love being read by a lot of people and…

  • Disney Sea

    Je suis alle a Tokyo Disney Sea ce samedi. C’etait vraiment sympa, vachement mieux que mes souvenirs de Euro Disney / Disneyland Paris / Disneyland Resorts Paris, enfin je sais pas quel est le nom officiel en ce moment, ca change tout les 2 ans. Ma copine avait trop peur de faire les attractions marrantes…

  • @#!§様

    Hier soir je devais recevoir les batteries de remplacement pour mon Powerbook suite au rappel de batteries d’Apple. Comme d’habitude, j’avais demandé au livreur de passer à 20h et il est passé à 19h30 alors que j’étais toujours dans le bus rentrant du boulot. Donc j’arrive chez moi et voila l’avis de passage que je…

  • Surf à l’eau

    Le weekend dernier un typhon est passé sur le sud du Japon avant d’aller se perdre au nord d’Hokkaido en passant par la 日本海, vu avez dû le voir dans les news, 9 morts. Au passage, il a amené avec lui une masse d’air des tropiques et a nettoyé le ciel de tout ses nuages…

  • Renouvellement de Visa

    En ce moment je suis en plein renouvellement de Visa. Je n’ai recu qu’un visa d’un an a mon arrivee au Japon bien que mon contrat soit de 2 ans et que tout les autres VIE sauf moi et une autre fille qui vient d’arriver ont des visas de 3 ans. Donc je telecharge le…

  • Vision quotidienne

    Le matin, juste sur le quai d’en face, le train pour aller au boulot encore plus loin dans la cambrousse.